This is, however, my repertoire for white at the moment:
- 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6/e6/c6/c5 3. Bf4 (London Attack)
- 1. d4 d6/g6 2. c4 (intending King's Indian with Nge2)
- 1. d4 f5 2. e4 (Staunton's gambit)
So nothing too fancy, basically it is a low-maintenance repertoire that should be playable without too accurate theoretical knowledge. To add some spice in the soup, I have also studied Torre Attack (d4, Nf3, Bg5) and Trompowsky that seems unfortunately to be a bit suspicious choice nowadays. My results with these d-pawn openings have been encouraging and I have won some nice attacking games with traditional plan of putting the king's knight to e5 and advancing the d and h pawns.