Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My d4 repertoire

At the moment my opening repertoire is still experiencing some changes. One of the reasons is the fact that I've had not any time for competitive chess lately. I even had to stop playing ICC blitz because of my studies.

This is, however, my repertoire for white at the moment:

  1. 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6/e6/c6/c5 3. Bf4 (London Attack)
  2. 1. d4 d6/g6 2. c4 (intending King's Indian with Nge2)
  3. 1. d4 f5 2. e4 (Staunton's gambit)

So nothing too fancy, basically it is a low-maintenance repertoire that should be playable without too accurate theoretical knowledge. To add some spice in the soup, I have also studied Torre Attack (d4, Nf3, Bg5) and Trompowsky that seems unfortunately to be a bit suspicious choice nowadays. My results with these d-pawn openings have been encouraging and I have won some nice attacking games with traditional plan of putting the king's knight to e5 and advancing the d and h pawns.

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